Ranking the POVs in Heroes of Olympus

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#heroes-of-olympus #percy jackson

I’ve been enjoying listening to the Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus audiobooks. I know, I know. They are written for a younger audience, but too bad, I enjoy them. The books are easy to follow along during my commute or while I attempt to do cardio. They’re also wildly entertaining.

If you’ve read Heroes of Olympus (HoO) then you’ll know that the author switches POVs every few chapters to give different perspectives on situations, as well as help you connect with the different characters. At first, I didn’t like it. I’ll admit, I’m 100% a Percy Jackson fanboy. I loved the sarcastic tone all of the Percy Jackson (PJ) books were written in.

I’m on book 4 of HoO now though, and have come to realize the importance of the different POVs. It definitely helps me connect with each of the characters better. Some.. more than others.

So I’m gonna rank my favorite POVs from 1-7 because I want to write about something and this is literally the only thing I can think to write about. Let’s do it.

1. Percy

Obviously. The OG POV. The reason I got invested into the series. Of course I’m going to love his POV the best. Percy’s POV always keeps me engaged with the story. I didn’t realize just how much I enjoyed Percy’s POV until I started HoO 1 and barely made it through.

2. Leo

2nd and 3rd are super close, but I gotta give it to my boy Leo. He is quite literally the only reason I was able to make it through HoO 1. He carried. The humor in Leo’s POV is similar to Percy’s, so naturally I’m going to enjoy it. Whenever the series has me crackin’ up over something or sharing a scene with my wife, it’s almost always Leo’s POV.

3. Annabeth

Although I enjoy the humor aspects, it’s quite refreshing getting Annabeth’s technical POV. Throughout the PJ series the reader never really knew what was going on inside of her head. Her POVs in HoO are always welcome. And, of course, the way she feels about Percy is freakin’ adorable man.

4. Frank

The depth of Frank’s character never ceases to amaze me and it keeps getting better. Early on, I was mixed on Frank’s POV. His lack of confidence was a bit of a downer, but I knew it was important for his character. Now that I’m deep into the story, I’m impressed. My man Frank has made some incredible leaps. I’ll always cheer him on.

5. Hazel

While I don’t dislike Hazel, I’m also fairly neutral when it comes to her POV. She is another good character with plenty of growth and I’m enjoying witnessing her blossoming relationship with Frank. However, she is very matter-of-fact. She feels like Annabeth’s POV with the lack of humor, but I’m not as invested in Hazel as I am with Annabeth.

6. Piper

Alright. Piper was last on my list.. but I decided she gets to be second to last. I did not enjoy her POV one bit in HoO 1. I absolutely dreaded her POV. She just felt like a character that was just there, not really contributing in any way. It got better once she found her identity a bit, but her way of going about things still rather annoys me.

7. Jason

Ugh. Jason. I can’t help but make the comparison of Percy/Jason to Naruto/Sasuke. Like Naruto, throughout the PJ series I got to see Percy struggle and grow; and like Sasuke, Jason suddenly shows up, is super powerful and always tries to take the reins. He feels very 1-dimensional. I get that he’s the son of Jupiter, so he’s supposed to be cocky. Maybe it shows how good of a character he is for how I dislike him. However you slice it, I don’t like him, or his POV.

That’s it

There it is. My POV ranking. Life changing, isn’t it? The course of history will forever be changed now that I have written down this powerful list. May the odds be ever in your favor.

Except you, Jason.